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Learn the Basics

Sections Pro offers a wide variety of sections for every use case. Learn how to implement our sections in your Shopify store for maximum impact.

Learn more about our Sections

Sections Pro offers a wide variety of sections for every use case. Learn how to implement our sections in your Shopify store for maximum impact.

Shopify Accordion Section

Learn how to create an Accordion section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Accordion Feature Grid Section

Learn how to create an Accordion Feature Grid section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Animate Section

Learn how to create an Animate section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Annotations Section

Learn how to create an Annotations section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Before and After Section

Learn how to create a Before and After section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Card Grid Section

Learn how to create a Card Grid section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Tabs Premium Section

Learn how to create a Tabs Premium section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Columns Premium Section

Learn how to create a Columns Premium section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Footer Section

Learn how to create a Footer section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Hotspots Section

Learn how to create a Hotspots section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Hero Premium Section

Learn how to create a Hero Premium section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Table Premium Section

Learn how to create a Table Premium section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify 24 Hour Count Down Section

Learn how to create a 24 Hour Count Down section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Count Down to Date Section

Learn how to create a Count Down to Date section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Count Up Banner Section

Learn how to create a Count Up Banner section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify FAQ Section

Learn how to create a FAQ section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Feature Grid Section

Learn how to create a Feature Grid section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Fun Grid Section

Learn how to create a Fun Grid section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Hero Section

Learn how to create a Hero section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Hero Slider Section

Learn how to create a Hero Slider section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Image with Text Section

Learn how to create an Image with Text section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Review Grid Section

Learn how to create a Review Grid section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Review Slider Section

Learn how to create a Review Slider section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Size Chart Section

Learn how to create a Size Chart section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Slideshow Section

Learn how to create a Slideshow section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Tabs Section

Learn how to create a Tabs section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Testimonials Grid Section

Learn how to create a Testimonials Grid section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Triptych Section

Learn how to create a Triptych section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Video Hero Section

Learn how to create a Video Hero section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Video Standalone Section

Learn how to create a Video Standalone section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Video with Text Section

Learn how to create a Video with Text section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Profile Grid Section

Learn how to create a Profile Grid section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Headline Section

Learn how to create a Headline section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Media Grid Section

Learn how to create a Media Grid section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Rich Text Grid Section

Learn how to create a Rich Text Grid section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Trust Badges Section

Learn how to create a Trust Badges section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Payment Icons Section

Learn how to create a Payment Icons section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Icon List Section

Learn how to create an Icon List section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Icon Grid Section

Learn how to create an Icon Grid section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Marquee Section

Learn how to create a Marquee section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Comparison Grid Section

Learn how to create a Comparison Grid section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Masonry Section

Learn how to create a Masonry section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Masonry Feature Section

Learn how to create a Masonry Feature section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Media Review Grid Section

Learn how to create a Media Review Grid section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Review Masonry Section

Learn how to create a Review Masonry section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Image Swap Grid Section

Learn how to create an Image Swap Grid section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Image Price Grid Section

Learn how to create an Image Price Grid section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Price Grid Section

Learn how to create a Price Grid section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Image Contact Form Section

Learn how to create an Image Contact Form section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Contact Form Section

Learn how to create a Contact Form section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Contact Modal Section

Learn how to create a Contact Modal section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Details Modal Section

Learn how to create a Details Modal section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Video Modal Section

Learn how to create a Video Modal section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Page Tag Section

Learn how to create a Page Tag section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Review Callout Section

Learn how to create a Review Callout section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Count Down Banner Section

Learn how to create a Count Down Banner section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Icon Banner Section

Learn how to create an Icon Banner section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Circle Menu Section

Learn how to create a Circle Menu section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Divider Section

Learn how to create a Divider section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify FAQ with Image Section

Learn how to create a FAQ with Image section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Image Standalone Section

Learn how to create an Image Standalone section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Review Standalone Section

Learn how to create a Review Standalone section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Grid Premium Section

Learn how to create a Grid Premium section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Tiles Section

Learn how to create a Tiles section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Slideshow Premium Section

Learn how to create a Slideshow Premium section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Multi-Step Form Section

Learn how to create a Multi-Step Form section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Slideshow Text Section

Learn how to create a Slideshow Text section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Action Button Section

Learn how to create an Action Button section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Section Nav Section

Learn how to create a Section Nav section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Hero Parallax Section

Learn how to create a Hero Parallax section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Review Parallax Section

Learn how to create a Review Parallax section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Sliding Grid Section

Learn how to create a Sliding Grid section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Split Parallax Section

Learn how to create a Split Parallax section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Rounded Feature Section

Learn how to create a Rounded Feature section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Gift Card Upsell Section

Learn how to create a Gift Card Upsell section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Fixed Sales Bar Section

Learn how to create a Fixed Sales Bar section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Copy Banner Section

Learn how to create a Copy Banner section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Social Icons Section

Learn how to create a Social Icons section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Scrolling Images Section

Learn how to create a Scrolling Images section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Before & After﹢ Section

Learn how to create a Before & After﹢ section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Triptych Premium Section

Learn how to create a Triptych Premium section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Countdown Premium Section

Learn how to create a Countdown Premium section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Diptych Section

Learn how to create a Diptych section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Sliding Reviews Section

Learn how to create a Sliding Reviews section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Marquee Hero Section

Learn how to create a Marquee Hero section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Filmstrip Section

Learn how to create a Filmstrip section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Offset Feature Section

Learn how to create an Offset Feature section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Feature Hero Section

Learn how to create a Feature Hero section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Link Grid Section

Learn how to create a Link Grid section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Link Hero Section

Learn how to create a Link Hero section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Reveal Section

Learn how to create a Reveal section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify FAQ Sync Section

Learn how to create a FAQ Sync section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify FAQ Plus Section

Learn how to create a FAQ Plus section with Sections Pro in Shopify

Shopify Feature Grid Plus Section

Learn how to create a Feature Grid Plus section with Sections Pro in Shopify