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Installing your First Section

Learn how to install a section with Sections Pro.

Installing your first section is really easy.

1. Find your section and Publish

Launch Sections Pro and search for the section you want to install. Select the section and click on the Publish button.

Click publish button

2. Select publish settings

Next, select the name and theme you want to use. You can modify the name if you would like. Sections can be installed to any draft or live section with the exception of theme previews.

Publish section modal

3. Jump to the theme customizer

Use the deeplink to jump into the theme customizer.

Theme Customizer Deep Link

4. Find your section

Select the add Section Link to add a section and search for the name you provided in step #3.

Theme Customizer

5. Customize

Finally, customize the section to match your site design.

Customize Section