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Enabling reCAPTCHA for Shopify Forms

Learn how to enable Google's reCAPTCHA for Shopify forms built with Sections Pro

If you're using the Sections Pro app to manage your store's forms and want to protect them from spam, enabling Google reCAPTCHA is a straightforward solution. This guide will walk you through the process of enabling reCAPTCHA on forms created with Sections Pro.

Step 1: Accessing Shopify Settings

  1. Login to your Shopify Admin panel.
  2. On the left-hand side menu, click on Settings.

Step 2: Navigate to Checkout Settings

  1. Within the Settings page, find and click on Checkout.
  2. Scroll down to the Form options section.

Step 3: Enable Google reCAPTCHA

  1. In the Form options section, locate the Enable Google reCAPTCHA option.
  2. Toggle the switch to enable reCAPTCHA on your forms.

Step 4: Customize Your Forms (Optional)

If you have multiple forms on one page, you might notice that both forms display the same submission confirmation message. While Shopify doesn't have built-in functionality to display unique messages for each form, you can customize the forms by adding custom code or using apps that allow for more advanced form handling.

Step 5: Making Form Fields Compulsory (Optional)

You may also want to make certain fields on your forms compulsory. This can be achieved by editing the form code or using a third-party app that provides more granular control over form validation.

Additional Tips



Enabling reCAPTCHA on your Sections Pro forms is a simple yet effective way to protect your site from unwanted submissions. If you need more control over your forms, consider using apps from the Shopify App Store that offer advanced features like custom submission messages and detailed form management.