Check out our FAQ

The FAQ+ section from Sections Pro allows you to make amazing FAQ sections with cool layouts and support for both images and videos in your answers.

How does the FAQ section work?

Its simple really. You just add the questions as blocks and then you edit the question and answer. From the settings, you can choose whether the questions appear below the headline area or next to it. You can also configure spacing and more.

What makes FAQ+ unique?

Sometimes you can better answer a question with a video or image. FAQ+ from Sections Pro allows you to embed beautiful images and video right in your answer.

What settings are available for the section?

FAQ+ allows you to set background, padding, and border to the container and the FAQ items giving you a lot of flexibility for styling your section. You can also configure text color and more to make it your own.

How many FAQ items can I add?

Shopify has a limit of 50 blocks per section, so you can add up to 50 questions and answers. Pretty awesome, right!?